In this tutorial, we will be looking at how to upload Arduino Programs from Arduino IDE into ATMEGA328P using FTDI USB Module. Keep in mind that the ATMEGA328P chip needs to have Arduino bootloader stored in it. For this demonstration, we will be using FT232RL FTDI USB as shown below.

To perform the upload, we must first have the circuit constructed as shown below:

Once completed, you can connect your usb cable to perform your code upload.
Before you can perform the upload, you must check if your computer can recognize your FTDI USB in its Device Manager. If the device cannot be recognized, then you should try updating your driver by downloading FTDI USB driver.
A module which is successfully detected by the computer will appear as PORT in the Device Manager as shown in the screenshot below :

When your FTDI module is appearing as a PORT in your Device Manager, you can proceed to upload any program from your Arduino IDE. For testing purpose, you may upload a simple program such as Blink Program to check if everything is working fine.
With that, we conclude this part of our tutorial. For more detailed explanation, feel free to check my YouTube video. Good Luck Trying. Please comment and subscribe. Thank You