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Part 2 : Uploading Code into ATMEGA328P using FT232RL FTDI Module

In this tutorial, we will be looking at a common problem encountered during code uploading thru FTDI.

At times, we may get the below error.

The code uploading takes longer than usual. The above error shows up and then the uploading fails.

To remediate this problem, we simply have to introduce a reset switch into our circuit as shown below.

It is important to understand that there is a particular timing to hit the reset switch or else it would not work. We have to be rigorous about this to ensure the code upload works without fail.

So, when should we hit the reset button?

Once we clicked upload button, given that the port is detected and the right programmer is chosen in Arduino IDE, we need to hit the reset switch as soon as we see the word “Uploading” as shown in the screenshot above. So, approximately within a second, you have hit this reset switch when you see the word “Uploading” in Arduino. This may sound a little difficult however it is not once you get used to it. To make things easy, just keep a finger on top of that reset switch before clicking “Upload” in your Arduino IDE.

It is that simple and it does the trick.

For more detailed explanation on this, feel free to check out my YouTube video below.

Good Luck Trying. Feel free to post if you have any comments or questions. Don’t forget to like and subscribe.


1 Comment

Unknown member
Jul 17, 2023

Thanks for talking about the tip with the reset button.

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