In this tutorial, we will be learning how to use Infrared Sensor. We will be using the below sensor which is cheap and highly ubiquitous in the market.

Below would be the circuit connection for this tutorial.

Some IR produces HIGH Output Value when an obstacle is detected whereas some would produce LOW Output Value. In order to find what type of IR sensor that you have, you can perform a simple LED test as shown below and assess when the LED lights up.
For the IR sensor that I got, the Output Value is HIGH when obstacles is not detected. This behavior may not be suitable for most situations. There are scenarios when we would need HIGH Output Value when an obstacle is detected which is the exact opposite of this IR Sensor's behavior.
To overcome this problem, we can simply use a NOT gate with the below arrangement.

In this case, the NOT GATE IC that I am using is SN74HCT14. Below is the PIN arrangements of this IC and its logic.

For more information, such as maximum ratings, please rating the SN74HCT14 datasheet. By connecting the IC with IR Sensor as shown above, we can invert the Output Value produced by the sensor.
To view step by step video on this tutorial, please check out my YouTube video on this. Thank You and Good Luck Trying!