In this tutorial, we will be looking at using Battery Management System which is also known as BMS. BMS are highly ubiquitous and important to be integrated into whatever electronic projects that you're working on. It is nothing new that almost every electrical appliances would have a charging mechanisms within it, from phones to Bluetooth speakers as an example.
For this tutorial, I am using a 3S 20A BMS Module.

Below is how you should connect your BMS to your batteries.

When purchasing, not all the details regarding the BMS would be made available. Hence, it is always good to experiment your BMS.
Based on my experiment with BMS, I have understood that:
Lower Input Voltage with respect to Li-Po Battery voltage will affect your charging duration. In short, a lower input voltage will take longer time to charge batteries on the other side in comparison to higher input voltage; which is not a rocket science. My recommendation is to have a 12V power supply for reasonable charging duration.
Input current does not matter. Even if you supply up to 4A, the BMS will be able to regulate that. However, don't be crazy to try the same with 20A. The point that I'm trying to convey is you don't have to worry much about input current as the BMS takes care of that for you. So, almost all readily available adapter which can output 12V 1A or 2A can be used with your BMS.
Understand the behaviour of your BMS. Different BMS have different behaviour in terms of its maximum safe charging voltage. Hence, it is always good to try few times of charging by using voltmeter or simply voltage displays like what I've shown in my YouTube video. Doing this will give you a picture of voltage charging cap and how much does the BMS balances out uniform charging between all connected Li-Po batteries.
I did not cover a step by step instruction in this tutorial and my video because there is already an abundant amount of good videos on this. Hence, I focused my tutorial and video more on the tips and general understanding of BMS.
Good Luck Trying!!